About quattroholic.com


quattroholic.com was created with one sole purpose; to be the most informative, up-to-date Audi enthusiast blog on the the internet.  In addition to our original road tests and event coverage, the quattroholic team is devoted to uncovering the latest, greatest and sometimes most obscure Audi-related content for your viewing pleasure.  As our slogan says "We're Addicted to Audi."

Founded in March of 2009, quattroholic.com has quickly become a leader in the world of Audi related news.  We have been sourced by automotive media outlets such as Jalopnik, Autoblog, Motor Authority, Autospies and many more.  As well as appearing on leading Audi/VW forums such as VWVortex, Fourtitude, Audizine and QuattroWorld.

If you love Audi, you've come to the right place.  Enjoy your visit, and be sure to come back often, there's always something new at quattroholic.com

Happy motoring,

Adam Bush
